Informal and unofficial Blog for the Town of Brewster, Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources. Includes Shellfish, Conservation lands, beaches and landings, moorings, etc.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Paine's Creek Landing repairs

This week the Brewster DPW hired a contractor to remove the broken asphalt from the beach, and put the large rocks on the west side back in place, then put sand in a berm along the north and west sides of the lot.

On Friday, Brewster DNR gathered staff and volunteers and a crew of AmeriCorp to fill and place 1,500 sandbags to further stabilize the bank and protect the landing.  Bags were tied and stacked around the boulders, and will be covered with sand to protect the bags.  In the event of another high tide storm event, they should provide some resistance to the erosion and help stabilize the boulders protecting the parking area.
1500 bags at 50 pounds a bag is 75,000 pounds, or a good 25 yards of sand.  Makes for a long day...


Action shots


Nearly finished...

The AmeriCorp team taking a well deserved break...

Thanks to everyone on the sandbag crew; AmeriCorp, Brewster Health Department (Sherrie and son Ethan), Friends of the Punkhorn members, and the Brewster DNR staff.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Last weekend's storm...

We had a snowstorm last weekend, with about a half-foot of accumulation. It was accompanied by a strong northwest wind, and also coincided with astronomically high tides...
Several of our coastal landings took quite a beating. The town will be meeting later this week to perform some triage and decide what happens next.

Paine's Creek landing was under water, and lost a lot of sand at it's west and northwest corners, causing a loss of additional pavement.

Breakwater Landing lost a lot of sand off the beach, undermining the parking lot and causing a loss of about 10' of pavement.

Ellis Landing is totally undermined at its end (note the large pile of sand placed by DPW to keep people from falling off the edge). The underlying drainage structure is now exposed.



About Brewster DNR

Mailing address: Brewster DNR 2198 Main Street Brewster, MA 02631 (508) 896-4546